Large UAV LiDAR Solutions
We have designed every inch of our system to be light weight and robust. UAV Only solutions provide a great way to map large areas with high precision all while keeping the field time and setup time down to just a few minutes.
Simply push the power button and way you go.
You can login also and see the settings. After your mission a kml of the area is generated for you to view. We do not see the benefit of real-time feeds for three reasons, first you should always pre-plan your missions to ensure coverage area is captured. And second it is a royal pain to setup in the field. And third is adds unnecessary weight and cost.
Simply push the power button and way you go.
You can login also and see the settings. After your mission a kml of the area is generated for you to view. We do not see the benefit of real-time feeds for three reasons, first you should always pre-plan your missions to ensure coverage area is captured. And second it is a royal pain to setup in the field. And third is adds unnecessary weight and cost.